Search Engine Optimization or SEO is defined by as ‘the process of adjusting the content, structure, etc, of a website so that it will be displayed prominently by a search engine’. Put simply, it’s the best way to drive traffic and readership to you new WordPress site or blog organically, without paying for Pay Per Click or other forms of advertising.’
WordPress and SEO
Right out of the box WordPress is already well optimized for Search Engines. In our experience, WordPress was designed to allow every page to be easily indexed better than any other CMS. There’s still a lot that can be done to enhance your SEO with WordPress but just using it already puts you ahead of the game.’
Another SEO Guide. Really?
We know, we Googled it too and found the thousands of articles and guides that have already been written on SEO and WordPress. Rather than try to recreate yet another one here, this guide summarizes WPUniversity’s approach to SEO and provides links to the guides and plugins we use. An optimized web makes us all better.’
There are NO Shortcuts to Great SEO
Before you start your SEO journey, we need to go over the most important rule in the game. The Rule of Three. The rule states that we all want things to be ‘Good, Fast and Cheap’ but it’s only ever possible to have two of the three. Think about it, if something is fast and cheap, is it really that good? If it’s Good and Cheap, doesn’t it tend to happen slowly?’
SEO is the perfect example of this rule. If you need to optimize fast and have it be done properly, it’s going to be expensive. If that doesn’t work for you then be prepared for it to take time to complete.’
Search Engine Optimization takes time, patience and education but it WORKS! I cringe every time I hear a client or so called ‘expert’ talk about how SEO is just a myth thought up by agencies to get your money or worse, that they have a quick, cheap fix guaranteed to put you on the front page. Usually those cheap fixes will land you in trouble with Google or Bing and result in your site being delisted.’
There are NO shortcuts when it comes to great SEO. Even our Free WordPress Setup Service only gets your the starting line. It’s up to YOU to maintain it. Let that sink in, then let’s move on.’
Must Read SEO Guides
WPUniversity uses WordPress SEO by Yoast, to optimize our SEO settings. We recommend you read Yoast’s Basic WordPress SEO Guide before you begin using it on your own site or blog so you understand how and why it works.’‘
We also recommend The DIY WordPress SEO Tutorial by and the Blogger’s Guide to SEO by Aaron and Gonvanna Wall.’
If you’re planning on adding video to your site then you may want to check out SEO Friendly Page Titles by SEOBook.
Know of another great SEO tutorial or article? Add it to the comments below and we’ll check it out.’