I love WordPress! Starting my journey with WPUniversity as an intern/junior developer could not make me more excited.
Thus, I feel the urge to share bits of my experience with you, WordPress aficionados.
This week will be about blogging tips.
After taking a stab at writing my first blog post, I wondered whether or not it would ever get anyone’s attention. Connecting with readers is one exercise I had never thought about until now.
Interested in connecting with readers? Here are some tips I learned this week while blogging for the first time:
- Start by choosing a topic you like.
- Make it simple. Blogging is like starting a conversation. You want to deliver a message to which users can relate and interact.
- Maximize the readership. This is gift economy. If readers appreciate your posts and find answers they are looking for, they are very likely to come back.
- Link to your social media platforms. If your entourage likes what you have to say, chances are they will talk about it. Social Marketing is the ideal social networking plugin that will get you started.
- To top it off: the Blogging checklist plugin will put you on the right track of your new blogging career.
And, if you know little or nothing about WordPress Content Management System? No panic. We have got the right resources for you:
That’s it for now. Every week, I will be sharing new tips as I work on taking my WordPress experience to the next level.
More WordPress tips to come.