This Week @ WPUniversity: November 15, 2013

Mindmapping, Streaming, Sass, and Joomla

This Week - November 15, 2013

This week has been a productive one. Here’s what we’ve been up to.

From the Team

On the blog: Mindmapping and Google best practices. We kicked off the week by sharing a mindmap-centric approach to writing website proposals. On Wednesday we dug into Google’s best practices and mapped the requirements out against WordPress-friendly solutions.

Listening habits: SoundCloud, 8tracks, Hype Machine and Songza. Our lead developer Bart tunes into iTunes podcasts and streams music on SoundCloud. (He’s been on a Markus Schulz bender this week.) Kyle prefers 8tracks. Ben’s been keeping up on the Matt Report’s WordPress Startup Challenge. Andy has switched over to Hype Machine and Songza.

Useful tools: Keep your Mac clean, test mobile sites. Mario recommends the CleanMyMac app to keep your MacBook or iMac in tip-top shape. Tackling mobile site development? Andy recommends MITE and Device Anywhere from Keynote.

Distractions: We’re blowing minds. Woah.

From Around the Web

WordPress is getting Sassy. Following a lengthy discussion it looks like the WordPress core team will be adopting Sass. For the uninitiated, Sass adds a handful of handy features to CSS. For now, it looks like Sass will only be used for handling new colour schemes in the admin redesign. Source: WP Tavern

A visual guide to WordPress frameworks. Support Dash has put together a set of animated infographics that explain the purpose and practicality of WordPress theme frameworks. Source: WP Mail

“Tis the season for open source projects to work together and learn from one another.” Drupal’s new approach to release cycles is partially inspired by WordPress, and WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg gave a keynote presentation at the Joomla World Conference. Source: WP Tavern

Stuck for ideas on what to do with your blog? Need a pep talk to get you going? This skimmable list of 101 tips to help you boost traffic includes plenty of inspiration. Source: Graph Paper Press

Hosting online conferences. If you’re pulling people together for a presentation, training session, meeting, product demo, or whatever else, online conferences are the way to go. “A Few Good Online Conferencing Tools” is an older post (2008), but it gives a bit of a starting point. Source: Idealware

That’s it for this week. Have a great weekend!

This Week @ WPUniversity is a weekly rundown of what our team has been paying attention to. You can check out the posts from weeks gone by in our archives.

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